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Class 2 Digital Signature
2 Years | Signature

Class 3 Digital Signature
2 Years | Sign & Encrypt (Combo)

DGFT (Foreign Trade)
2 Years | Signature
eHastakshar RA (Registration Authority) is associated with the licensed CAs (Certifying Authorities) eMudhra CA, Vsign CA, Pantasign CA, Capricorn CA & Sify Safescrypt CA to provide the Digital Signature Certificate or DSC for various purposes.
We provide Digital Signature Certificates or DSC for various purposes kind of e-Filing of GST Return, e-Tendering, e-Ticketing, e-Bidding, e-Procurement, e-Filing of ITR, e-Filing of ROC & MCA, DGFT(IET), Employee’s Provident Fund Organization(EPFO), e-Filing of Custom & Excise, Trademark & Patent e-Filing, Custom House Agent (CHA), IEC Registration & many more.
We provide Digital Signature Certificate or DSC services mainly into two categories: Class 2 Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) & Class 3 Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) under various types of Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) kind of Class 2 & 3 for Individual, Foreign Individual, Organization, Foreign Organization, Government, DGFT(IET) & Document Signer.
Digital Signature in Maharashtra, Digital Signature Certificate Provider in Maharashtra
Our Motto
eMudhra DSC Digital Signature Certificate | VSIGN DSC Digital Signature Certificate | Pantasign DSC Digital Signature Certificate
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Frequently Asked Questions
Most frequent questions and answers
A digital signature is an electronic form of a signature that can be used to authenticate the identity of the sender of a message or the signer of a document, and also ensure that the original content of the message or document that has been sent is unchanged. Digital signatures are easily transportable and cannot be imitated by someone else. The ability to ensure that the original signed message arrived means that the sender cannot easily disclaim it later.
Q. Should individual’s signature and encryption certificate be different?
Yes, The signature and encryption certificate should be separate for an individual. The encryption keys are to be generated at the subscriber’s system and should be archived prior to transfer into crypto-medium. The signature keys should be generated in the crypto-medium and should not be copied.
Q. Does one require multiple certificates for different application?
No, Ideally, there should not be any requirement for different certificates, however the person holding lower assurance Class 2 certificate may require higher assurance Class 3 certificates for application which demand the same. The higher assurance Class 3 certificates can be used where ever application requires lower assurance certificate. Apart from assurance, depending on the information included in the DSC (For example PAN Number may be required by application) additional certificate may be required.
- You can use Digital Signature Certificates for the following:
- I. For sending and receiving digitally signed and encrypted emails.
- II. For carrying out secure web-based transactions, or to identify other participants of web-based transactions.
- II. In eTendering, eProcurement, MCA [For Registrar of Companies efiling], Income Tax [For efiling income tax returns] Applications and also in many other applications.
- IV. For signing documents like MSWord, MSExcel and PDFs.
- V. Plays a pivotal role in creating a paperless office.
Class 2 : The verification requirements are
(i) ID Proof & Address Proof
(ii) Paper based application form with other supporting documents
(iii) Forward SMS + Video Verification. The Private Key generation and storage should be in Hardware cryptographic device validated to FIPS 140-1/2 level 2.
Class 3 : The verification requirements are
(i) ID Proof & Address Proof
(ii) Paper based application form with other supporting documents and
(iii) Forward SMS + Video Verification. The Private Key generation and storage should be in Hardware cryptographic device validated to FIPS 140-1/2 level 2.
The document signer certificate is issued for use with the software of an organisation for automated authenticated response. Document signer certificate is not a replacement for the signature of the authorised signatory of the organisation.
- A digital signature is an electronic method of signing an electronic document whereas a Digital Signature Certificate is a computer based record that
- I. Identifies the Certifying Authority issuing it.
- II. Has the name and other details that can identify the subscriber.
- II. Contains the subscriber’s public key.
- IV. Is digitally signed by the Certifying Authority issuing it.
- V. Is valid for either one year or two years